The new animated feature by Alexander Golberg Jero by the legendary novel by Michail Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” has been promised to be a cornerstone in the modern cinematography counting on the innovations in cinematic storytelling and technologies featuring in this animated work.
For each storyline in the film Alexander will be featuring different Animation techniques to underscore the idea and atmosphere of original authors plot.
The techniques the was presented and published by Alexander in Animation Magazine earlier this year.
The accent of the film will be on the story of Pontius Pilate happening in Biblical times in Ancient Judea presented in classical 2D animation featuring interaction of Procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate and Yshua Hanozry (Prototype of Jesus)
Another storyline of Satiric episodes happening in Moscow City in 30’s of 20th century will be presented with traditional 3D character techniques very suitable for the comic episodes of the story.
The original Bulgakov’s plot is also featuring transformation of characters in the episodes like “Margarita’s Flight”, “Satan’s Ball” and “Epilogue”. For this purpose, the classic 3D characters will be transformed to life-like characters utilizing latest advances of 3D motion capturing technology fist featured in the films like “Beowulf” and “Christmas Carrol” by Robert Zemekis.
To honor memory of recently passed away Hollywood actors this transformation will be featuring characters of many others. In this context supported by original author idea and the movie script by Alexander Golberg Jero this showcase of passed away actors goes far beyond this film and becoming the act of memory preservation of the future for other cinematographers to follow.
It is also a great innovation in presenting music in the film by Alexander Golberg Jero that making the soundtrack not only 3-Dimensional in terms of dialogues and sound effects but the music as well. You will hear different sections of the orchestra and the vocal part from the different locations of the soundstage in 3D music reality where each individual sound can have a unique location in 3-Dimensional space.
As it was previously announced Alexander will be submitting the film for the Oscars 2025 for the following categories: Best Picture, Best Animation Feature, Best Sound, Best Sound Mixing.
Also, as was previously announced that the opportunity to join the venture for “Dream of Pontius Pilate” film is still open and now not only for major film studios but for all animation production houses who would like to be the part of the project as the opportunities are available in 2D, 3D character design and 3D motion capture animation. Interested parties please correspond personally to Alexander to [email protected]
Media Contact
Company Name: MediaInVision Films
Contact Person: Alexander Golberg Jero
Email: Send Email
Address:3415 South Sepulveda Blvd Suite 1100
City: Los Angeles
State: CA 90034
Country: United States