The First Step is an upcoming short film from Studio 220 Films, produced by Julie Loncon and John Frederick, with Executive Producer Michelle Ann White, and directed by Jerry Loncon. This Christian short film is about the story of a man named David, who struggles with his faith after facing a personal tragedy. To release this short film worldwide, the filmmakers have recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, and they are welcoming generous community support and backing.
“The plot of this indie Christian film revolves around its lead character, who must face the demons in his life, and find the courage to take the first step back home.” Said John Frederick, while introducing this project to the Indiegogo community. All funds raised through this crowdfunding campaign will go toward paying the cinematographer, providing meals for the team, and securing shooting locations that will allow Studio 220 Films to start a tradition of making quality independent films on a limited budget.
The Indiegogo Campaign is located on the web at:–7 and backers from around the world can become a part of this project by making generous pledges and donations. Moreover, the goal of this Indiegogo campaign is to raise a sum of $5,000 and the filmmakers are offering a wide range of rewards for the backers with nationwide shipping across the United States. Furthermore, more details are available on the Indiegogo campaign page of the project.
About This Project
The First Step is a Texas based up and coming independent Christian short film from Studio 220 Films, produced by Julie Loncon and John Frederick, and directed by Jerry Loncon. It is a Texas film created by Texas residents and made on Texas grounds. The film is currently being crowdfunded on indiegogo and the filmmakers are welcoming generous community support and backing.
Media Contact
Company Name: Studio 220 Films
Contact Person: Jerry Loncon
Email: Send Email
Phone: 4097903584
City: Groves
State: Texas
Country: United States