A large number of people, however, have moved to the Southwest for one very specific reason.
“It is one of the most lovely places in all of the continental U.S.,” said Kareem Fakhoury, owner of We Do Window Cleaning, a window cleaning service in Albuquerque, NM, “and this is why we offer our services. Our customers want to be able to enjoy the views from their homes as often as possible.”
Fakhoury refers to several different elements of Albuquerque and New Mexico in general. The area averages an astounding 310 days on average of sunshine, ranking the state’s largest city as one of the few cities who can boast such a fact.
Other reasons include the incredible geography. Albuquerque rests in the center of some of the most breathtaking views in the country with vistas of mountains, volcanoes, mesas and the desert landscape as well. People who live in the area are constantly talking and sharing what they see on a daily basis with friends and loved ones in other regions of the country.
Fakhoury offers window washing in Albuquerque, NM and surrounding areas. Using only environmentally safe solutions, the team is able to get windows to appear as clear as the day the windows were installed.
It is the second step, however, that sets Fakhoury and his team apart from other window cleaners in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
“We have a special second step in the cleaning process that takes out the natural static charge on the window. This helps keep dust from settling on the window between cleanings. This keeps the window looking cleaner, longer and without any extra steps,” said Fakhoury.
Fakhoury offers a free estimate to any interested customer. Visit www.wedowindowsnm.com for details.
Media Contact
Company Name: We Do Window Cleaning
Contact Person: Media Relations
Email: Send Email
Phone: (505) 459-3093
Address:11508 Constitution Ave. NE
City: Albuquerque
State: NM 87112
Country: United States
Website: http://www.wedowindowsnm.com