Barbara Ann Allemeersch chronicles the emotional breakdown of a young rape victim in her new book

Developmental service worker and experienced medical Assistant, Barbara Ann Allemeersch, announces the release of her book “Miranda’s Appeasement – If your heart is not content there is no peace,” where she charts the delusional break down of a young woman struggling with the trauma of a violent rape

“Miranda’s Appeasement – If your heart is not content, there is no peace” is a captivating psycho-thriller about a young girl named Miranda and how she struggled with the trauma of a violent rape. The book is an evocative story that will keep every reader glued until the very last word, detailing how a rape victim became a villain, who aims to give justice in her own way.

Rape remains one of the most disheartening occurrences that have caused devastating effects to their victims across the globe. Often times, the victims of rape are left to deal with the effect of the saddening incident particularly as the society tend to stigmatize them, making it difficult for such persons to come out or even seek justice. Barbara Ann is looking to put the word out about rape and the experiences of victims, based on her years of experience as a development service worker and medical assistant.

The story of “Miranda’s Appeasement” centers around a young girl that was kidnapped by a set of drunken boys, blaming her for a driving mishap. Miranda became the subject of horror and violence and eventually became an Atlanta police officer. However, things took a wild turn when Miranda was surprisingly handed the case of a nine-year-old girl that was severely beaten and raped, putting the man that raped her back into her life. Consequently, Miranda veers from the path of sane orderliness to take the laws into her hands, with everyone compelled to play the game under her terms.

The story is filled with adventure and suspense, with twists and turns as Miranda snaps from being a dedicated policewoman with good intentions to become a villain that goes all out to track down the rapists and serve them justice as she desires.

Barbara’s aim is to share with the world that when a person is assaulted, the encounter never leaves the person, and everyone tries deals with the situation differently. “If your heart is not content there is no peace,” says Barbara Allemeersch.

“Miranda’s Appeasement – If your heart is not content, there is no peace” is currently available on Amazon.

More information about “Miranda’s Appeasement” and other works from Barbara Ann Allemeeersch can be found on her website.

About Barbara Ann Allemeeersch

Barbara Ann Allemeeersch was born in Rodney Ontario, Canada on December 20, 1952, and worked as a Developmental service worker, Medical Assistant for over 30 years. She worked at the Ministry of Community & Social services to help the lives of the mentally underdeveloped much easier.

Media Contact
Contact Person: Barbara Ann Allemeersch
Email: Send Email
Phone: +1 519 915 9629
Country: United States



