Asia Presswire Offers PR Distribution Service to Asia Clients

Asia Presswire, one of the leading PR distributors in the world, is providing PR distribution service to Asian clients. According to a statement at, the PR distribution has Direct-to-Editors e-mail to editors of magazines, newspapers and broadcast outlets.

Asia Presswire is proud to announce that Asian firms and organisations could organise their packages through regions and languages. Example of these regions is South Korea, China, Japan and other Asian countries. PR distribution in these countries would be excellent and reliable, so company owners are assured of quality service.

Most clients are happy about the services because PRs are translated into different languages. Corporates and organisations could select from English, Chinese, Korean languages depending on the PR they need. Press releases are also available in Spanish and Portuguese. So, clients would have a fast and easy connection to their clients through Asia Presswire’s service.

Like their Global clients, Asia Presswire offers affordable price to their Asian clients.  Firms and organisation owners could avail lowest packages for $50. Some of the packages are only 1/3~1/4 of Asia Presswire’s competitors.

Aside from Asia, Asia press release distribution is present in different PR sites or websites. Few examples of these websites are Washington Post, NY Times, Figaro and more. The PR to top news sites has good quality, so most readers and clients would love to read it.

That’s not all.                 

Asia Presswire has reliable experts who provide PR to Reuters and other organisations. The experts at Asia Presswire have wide experience in PR and effective-linking technologies. The team also delivers value to clients by offering PR to Bloomberg so that Bloomberg and other companies have wide client connection.

Asia Presswire aims to make a difference to their Asian clients through excellent PR distribution service.  Through expertise and knowledge, Asia Pressure continues to serve more clients, not only in Asia but also around the world.

Many people expect more quality services from Asia Presswire would arrive in the following years.

About Asia Presswire:

Asia Presswire provides customised PR distribution to agencies, PR firms and corporates and organisations around the world. Asia Presswire also offers media and public relations to different businesses at an affordable price. A team of experts who have excellent skills in SEO tracking and PR are ready to help clients.

Media Contact
Company Name: Asia Presswire
Contact Person: HK Team
Email: Send Email
City: Hongkong
Country: HongKong



