Dragon Boat Club and the Borough Of Norristown are partnering to host a Family Fun Day Filled with Numerous Activities and LIVE Entertainment

Dragon Boat Club and the Borough Of Norristown are partnering to host a Family Fun Day Filled with Numerous Activities and LIVE Entertainment

The victorious Dragon Boat Club, have three young paddlers who qualified for Team USA. They are all set to join the US team to paddle against the youth teams from around the world this August.  The competition will be in Thailand.

Dragon Boat Club along with The Borough of Norristown invites everyone to come and join Family Fun Day. The day will begin with a Lion Dance which is exciting for all to see. Cardboard Boat Building starts at 10 A.M. using nothing but cardboard and duct tape.  Judging the decorated boats begins 12:30 P.M. Races are at 1 P.M. Introduction to dragon boating will be though out the day with lots of other fun-filled activities.  LIVE performance by Alan Reynolds Band, which will be the central highlight of the fun day.

Other activities of the occasion will include: Kayaks, Canoes, Dragons Boat Tug of War, Painting, Rescue Demo, Water Anglers Fishing Club, Fitness Yoga and Crossfit, Boxing Demo, Games, Open Mic, Cardboard Boat Races, Lulu Doll Dancers, Mexican Dancers

Dragon Boat Club consists of four teams – Community Team, Competitive Race Team, Youth Team and Breast Cancer Survivor Team.

Talking about this team’s victory that is all set to join the US team for upcoming world competition, the head coach Robin Parker says, “These youngsters worked quite hard than anyone I know.”

Continuing in the same breath, the head coach also mentions, “We all feel proud of these youngsters who made our name stand tall. They are not only representing team USA but also Norristown.”

Dragon Boat Club not only has youth but also adult teams along with 35 members. For last six years or so, the club has been in Norristown.

Get excited about this fun-filled fiesta going to take place on August 17th. Want to have a blast? Come with your families and witness the eye-grabbing and heart-warming activities. This is going to be an unforgettable event for sure. Be a part of this lively and lavish event which offers you much to enjoy with the Dragon Boat Club and Norristown Municipality – http://dragonboatclub.org/

EVENT ADDRESS: Riverfront Park, 100 Haws Ave, Norristown, PA 19401


Boat Building Participants: entry at 10am

Media Contact
Company Name: Dragon Boat Club
Contact Person: Robin Parker
Email: Send Email
Phone: 484-802-7095?
Address:1612 New Hope St.
City: Norristown
State: Pennsylvania 19401
Country: United States
Website: http://dragonboatclub.org/



