Our story consists of going to fitness websites to purchase products or reading blogs and we were completely bored and aesthetically annoyed. A lot of fitness websites have OK content to offer but myself and other users do not feel fit to stay on the site for a long period of time. That being said – thats where GainsByFire.com comes into play. We created a site that allows users to either shop and/or read helpful fitness articles which allows them to stay on the site for a longer period of time. Our users have options, and that’s what makes them happy.
Gains By Fire is a distribution website in the fitness & health niche. It’s designed to give users content while shopping. The products we sell and provide consist of Apparel, Accessories, Vitamins & Supplements, Food & Drinks, eBooks, and Fitness Articles that help users think out-of-the-box with fitness plans, workouts, tips, and food recipes.
Facts about Gains By Fire
• Our Business name is a fairly popular hashtag: #gainsbyfire
• On instagram it has 97.4K posts & growing. On Twitter it has a minimum reach of 52,067.
• 70% of advertising leads we get are strictly organic, while 30% is paid.
• We are a start-up company. This is our first year of business.
• We currently have customers and growing.
We do affiliate program marketing and vendor distribution with top, mid, and low tier brands. This allows us to:
• Give users our discount code that’s always available.
• Become a gateway for users to find new fitness applications, products, books, and most importantly brands.
• Strengthen brand recognition.
• Strengthen user brand loyalty.
We have proprietary products. This allows us to:
• Establish and present our brand to users.
• Strengthen our user brand loyalty.
• Strengthen brand awareness.
• Create a fitness & health community for our users.
• Increase our competitive advantage to improve our supply chain
• Find out which customer’s behavior can we influence to improve our asset utilization.
• Enhance our brand.
Media Contact
Company Name: Gains By Fire
Contact Person: Dior-Lawrence Funn
Email: Send Email
Phone: (860)-995-6303
Country: United States
Website: www.gainsbyfire.com