Gains By Fire Revolutionizes How E-commerce Blogs Are Viewed

Our story consists of going to fitness websites to purchase products or reading blogs and we were completely bored and aesthetically annoyed. A lot of fitness websites have OK content to offer but myself and other users do not feel fit to stay on the site for a long period of time. That being said – thats where comes into play. We created a site that allows users to either shop and/or read helpful fitness articles which allows them to stay on the site for a longer period of time. Our users have options, and that’s what makes them happy. 

Gains By Fire is a distribution website in the fitness & health niche. It’s designed to give users content while shopping. The products we sell and provide consist of Apparel, Accessories, Vitamins & Supplements, Food & Drinks, eBooks, and Fitness Articles that help users think out-of-the-box with fitness plans, workouts, tips, and food recipes. 

Facts about Gains By Fire

Our Business name is a fairly popular hashtag: #gainsbyfire
On instagram it has 97.4K posts & growing. On Twitter it has a minimum reach of 52,067.
70% of advertising leads we get are strictly organic, while 30% is paid.
We are a start-up company. This is our first year of business.
We currently have customers and growing.

We do affiliate program marketing and vendor distribution with top, mid, and low tier brands. This allows us to:

• Give users our discount code that’s always available.
Become a gateway for users to find new fitness applications, products, books, and most importantly brands.
Strengthen brand recognition.
Strengthen user brand loyalty.

We have proprietary products. This allows us to:

Establish and present our brand to users.
Strengthen our user brand loyalty.
Strengthen brand awareness.
Create a fitness & health community for our users.
Increase our competitive advantage to improve our supply chain
Find out which customer’s behavior can we influence to improve our asset utilization.
Enhance our brand.

Media Contact
Company Name: Gains By Fire
Contact Person: Dior-Lawrence Funn
Email: Send Email
Phone: (860)-995-6303
Country: United States



