Archive360 Publishes an Exchange Journaling MVP Guide

“Companies that want to comply with laws and regulations and have a clean audit trail must embrace Exchange Journaling as a continuous practice within their organizations. Eliminating the possibility of tampering with data and data loss is essential in today’s environment, and Archive360 does an incredible job in data streaming.” – Nick Jordan, Content Manager
Exchange journaling has been in practice for almost 30 years. This means that it is one of the most common practices used by companies all over the world that are looking to have a clear audit trail and comply with many regulations and laws. Archive360 offers its Archive2Azure product as a safe and secure way to migrate all the legacy journal data and stream all new journal data to your own Microsoft Cloud, alleviating the need to use third-parties and risk loss of metadata.

Exchange journaling is used for eDiscovery, in internal investigations, in security and HR audits, and it is the crucial part of a successful business that complies with a variety of regulations. Archive360 published an extensive guide on exchange journaling in Azure, and they dove deep into the matter, explaining the entire process from start to finish.

Exchange journaling happens on-premises. It stores ghost copies of every single email that was received or sent by anyone in the organization. This ghost copying ensures that the emails can be retrieved at any point in time, making it easy to be compliant with the regulations and audit practices.

Back in the day, journaling was strictly an on-premise practice. However, in the modern world where desktop computers are not as huge, and laptops are the new norm, cloud-based exchange journaling is taking over. But why does it matter?

Some of the laws and regulations a business must follow include the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, European Union Data Protection Directive (EUDPD), Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (Patriot Act), and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as Financial Modernization Act.

On first glance, it may look like exchange journaling, and mailbox archiving are the same thing. However, that is not the case. Both of them essentially do the same thing – storing email data for later use. But, unlike mailbox archiving which moves the email from one place to another, journaling does this on the spot and creates a record that archiving cannot create.

Journaling is the only one that can guarantee that the email was captured in its original form. When the email is sent or received, journaling captures it in that exact moment, preventing anyone from tampering with the email, or deleting it accidentally or intentionally.

There are three main reasons for choosing journaling:

  1. It’s incredibly easy once set up properly
  2. It makes it easier to comply with regulations
  3. It’s been used for decades

Using your own cloud for journaling has a few benefits such as having complete control over the data, having a full audit trail, and lower cost. Of course, the most significant advantage is not having to rely on a third-party. Archive360’s Archive2Azure platform allows its users to onboard their legacy journal data, as well as stream live data with no metadata loss or conversion. This way, all data can be stored in your own Microsoft Cloud and be under your direct control. Some of the other benefits include the possibility to search for audio and video content, which is something that most third-parties have trouble with.

Read more about Exchange Journaling here:

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