How Wedding Loans Can Help Cover Expenses for the Big Day

How Wedding Loans Can Help Cover Expenses for the Big Day

You have been waiting for your big day for so long, and it is finally approaching. You are completely excited that it is so close- until you realize that you forgot something, or just did not have the money for everything you had planned. Maybe you find out that your venue has been booked by someone else because you forgot to mail the deposit check, or your favorite furry friend somehow found his way into the bag holding your beautiful wedding gown. Now it needs to be dry-cleaned but you do not get paid again before the wedding. Now what?

First, let me say that I promise my name is not Negative Nancy. I am actually a very hopeful person- so much so that my husband says that my world is made up of flowers and rainbows. I have just learned from personal experience that Murphy’s Law is very true. You know the one I’m talking about- in short, whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. However, the great thing about living in my world of flowers and rainbows is that I know even when Murphy pops his head up, there is always a solution- even when you need some extra wedding cash. And I am going to share some solutions with you below.

Weight It Out

Is the reason you need the cash really necessary? I know, I know- you want your day to be perfect, and there is not a problem with that. Just ask yourself simply, “Is this necessary for my day to be perfect?” It is a personal choice- no one can decide but you. What one person deems necessary might not be to someone else. If you decide that it is not necessary, scratch the idea and the burden of solving the problem. If it is necessary, keep going.

Don’t Forget the “Something Borrowed”

Can you borrow the item you need the cash for? If it is a common item, a family member or friend might have one to loan you. Also, do not be afraid to ask for a loan from a family member or friend. At least most of them want to see you happy, so someone will probably say “Yes” if they can. Even better, ask them to gift you the money as a wedding gift- especially someone like your Uncle Robert who, bless his heart, has no idea about weddings and probably forgot to buy you a gift anyway.

Do You Have Something to Barter?

If your family and friends say “No” to the loan, ask if you can make a trade. Maybe you can babysit, pet sit, clean their home, or do yard work for them in exchange for the money. Bartering is always a good option.

Make It Quick

It really only takes a few hours to organize, plan and advertise a yard sale. If you have some things to sell, hold a quick and simple yard sale for the cash. I’m willing to bet that you have somethings you can get rid of. If you feel it is not enough to justify a yard sale, just try selling what you have on Craigslist or Facebook.

Credit Cards

If you have the available credit, use credit-cards-for-wedding-expenses. This is especially a good option if either A.) you can pay the amount back before the end of your billing cycle, or B.) you have 0% interest at the moment. If you do not fall into either of those categories, using your credit-cards-for-wedding-expenses is probably not a smart idea.

Personal Loans      

If you have exhausted all other possibilities, you might consider getting a loan for a wedding. There are quite a few options when choosing a loan for marriage. Some of the simplest and quickest ones to apply for and, hopefully, get approved for are: emergency installment loans, cash advance loans online, and personal loans online.

If you prefer to apply for a loan in person but do not know where to find them, you can simply type “wedding-financing-loans-made-easy” in your Internet search bar. For those with bad credit, you might type in something like “wedding ring financing for bad credit”. The first few search results will nearly always be local options.


Fret not if you find your perfect day is not yet as perfect as you want it to be. There is always a way to fix it. With wedding-financing-loans-made-easy as they are today, you should be able to fix your problem quickly and with little to no fuss. To save yourself some time, just search for lenders through Loanry. We can connect you with multiple reputable lenders in short order so you can quickly get back to dreaming of your big day.

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Company Name: Loanry LLC.
Contact Person: Ethan Taub
Email: Send Email
Phone: 800-949-1705
Address:23 Corporate Plaza
City: Newport Beach
State: CA 92660
Country: United States



