With modern times bringing greater awareness and understanding of mental health issues, there are now many more people prepared to come forward for treatment. But although understanding of mental health is much more sophisticated than even a decade ago, treating the related issues is still a complex matter – especially when compared to the more visible, obvious signs of physical ill-health.
Holistic medicine is the belief that the apparent differences in physical and mental health are actually interlinked – that the root cause of mental health issues lies in physical conditions, and vice versa. The clue is in the description “holistic” – it is a practice of medicine that looks at the whole body as a collective unit.
The Holistic Healthcare Center specializes in delivering this type of care to people who have illnesses or ailments, whether physical or mental, and directs its focus on the causes rather than the specific symptoms. As holistic medicine also links socio-environmental factors to people’s overall health, the specialists at the HHC support patients in making the necessary changes to diet, lifestyle and behaviours that will ultimately help strengthen the immune system.
The nature of holistic medicine also differs substantially from conventional medicine, in that it is proactive about improving and maintaining health where conventional medicine only comes into play when an illness or ailment is uncovered. Holistic medicine is recommended for people with good health too, as it helps to encourage and embed the dietary and behavioural habits that will keep illnesses and ailments at bay.
Where it is similar to conventional medicine, however, is its adherence to safety and regulation – both the World Health Organization and Health Canada have published guidelines on the safe use of natural remedies. Practitioners of holistic medicine require licensing in the same way conventional clinicians do.
Knowing when to undergo the psychotherapy that is part of holistic medicine is entirely down to the individual, as no referral is required. Whether it is about proactively maintaining a content lifestyle, or addressing a mental or physical complaint, the HHC advises that the therapy can last months or even years, and its success depends largely on the compatibility of patient and therapist.
“It is easy to confuse what psychotherapy does with similarly-named conventional practices such as psychiatry and psychology,” says a spokesperson for the HHC. “But the key difference is that a psychotherapist will apply talk and experiential therapies in a non-medical way. This doesn’t mean that it is any less credible than conventional medicine – the same rules around objectivity and confidentiality apply, which is of utmost importance when treating someone with quite traumatic experiences.”
The HHC also says that while there is a substantial level of emotional support from the therapist, patients are taught and encouraged to become self-sufficient in a way that ultimately strengthens their emotional resilience.
In addition, psychotherapy is a fully-regulated profession, with Ontario psychotherapists being overseen by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario – complaints or any issues can be raised with this organisation. And while psychotherapy is not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, there are many private health insurance companies that can cover a portion of fees.
About Holistic Healthcare Center
The Holistic Healthcare Center is based in Vaughan, Ontario, and employs a team of psychotherapy and counselling specialists to deal with a wide range of issues from relationship counselling to allergy treatment.
Media Contact
Company Name: Holistic Healthcare Center
Contact Person: Media Relations
Email: Send Email
Phone: (905) 553-9255
Address:2174 Major Mackenzie Drive
City: Toronto
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Website: http://www.hhccentre.com/