Zero the Kidd, an upcoming artist from Florida who is taking the rap scene by storm with his new single ‘Wave’

Zero, the Kidd is an Upcoming Rap artist from Boynton Beach Florida who has been on numerous blogs, radio stations, and magazines, with over 10 million streams under his belt and who has made noise in the industry with his latest single “Wave” on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and Tidal. “Wave is such a huge success,” said zero only being out for 2 weeks and already having over 11 thousand streams, it is an anthem for those who are working hard and never letting up until you reach your goals this song is truly an inspiration to all people especially young artist. In the Rap Industry where the artists mostly choose the coolest or hard sounding stage names, Zero, The Kidd went with the basics, sticking to a name that represents his story the best. “I believe a stage name should be like the title of a book so it can give you an idea about the artist. I decided to go with the name Zero the Kidd because, since when I was a child I knew music was my life.”

Talking further about his early life, he adds, “Even though I had relatives hopping on stage and friends with brothers who rapped, no one ever gave me a chance so I decided to put a positive spin on a dark part of my life. My music is authentic and I keep it real, so when my fans see that name they know this is a kid who grew up grinding to get where he’s at and this is his life so he’s going to give it his all”.

Zero, the Kidd is an outgoing person who started making music in 2nd grade while learning Violin and in 3rd grade while learning Piano. His interest in music was also fueled by the fact that his Uncle and father were in a rap group called the “Royal Fam”. Zero didn’t start rapping until elementary school when he finally fell in love with rapping and started doing Rap battles with friends every day. “I was amazed by the Rap music and the kind of impact one can put on someone with the lyrics of a song”.

Doing frequent rap battles helped him a lot in his career later on. It also helped him to draw from his emotions when his Dad went to prison and his mother abandoned him. Rapping helped him bring those raw emotions into songs which many of his fans could connect to. Zero is highly influenced by artists like Lil Wayne, Eminem, and Eazy E. “They all are very talented and don’t care what people think about them they wore their heart on their sleeves and kept it real”, says Zero, The Kidd talking about his favorite artists.

Listen to his latest single Wave on Apple Music.

Media Contact
Company Name: Ultimate Discord Entertainment
Contact Person: Amon Martin-Preston
Email: Send Email
Country: United States



