Americans have had a rather strange relationship with food. But the worst habit is that of wasting food. These days, we seem to be poor judges of how much food we actually need or will actually eat. We also have a bad habit of disposing of food that’s still in good condition due to misunderstanding labels. For example, we often think that “Best By” means the same thing as “Expires”. The main difference is that the former indicates when it’s expected to start losing its freshness, whereas “Expires” is the day it’s absolutely expected to waste away. It is very important that we do our due diligences in studying this topic so we understand more. Outlets such as Flipboard can provide blogs and articles that can give you further suggestions as to what to do with your unwanted food.
Over Half of the Food in Our Refrigerators Ends Up Being Wasted
We’re wasting more than half of the food in our refrigerators, says new study. A study, which conducted research about eating expectations and actual eating habits is scheduled to appear in the November issue of Resources, Conservation, and Recycling. It found that participants expected to eat about 97 percent of their meat, 94 percent of their vegetables, 71 percent of fruit, and 84 percent of their dairy. However, they consumed approximately 50 percent of meat, 44 percent of vegetables, 40 percent of dairy, and 42 percent of their fruit.
According to, the study also found that those who cleaned out their refrigerators frequently and younger people often waste more food. Whereas, those who check labels frequently and older people tended to have much less food waste. It could be due to younger people tending to be more rushed and mindless of their habits. Those who frequently clean out their refrigerators also tend to over-worry about the quality of their food.
Expiration Dates Themselves May Also be Misleading
Food and agriculture waste make up to just over 70 percent of waste on the whole planet. Food waste also means wasting billions of dollars every year. It creates methane In landfills, which is even more hazardous than carbon dioxide. It also makes waste out of agricultural land and the transportation trucks. You can look online for additional resources and info.
Some Possible Solutions to Our Dangerous Habit
One solution available now is the Food Date Labeling Act, which is bipartisan. It expands expiration dates though it only applies to baby food at the moment. However, expansion is going through Congress now. So, calling Representatives and Senators to ask them to vote for it is one option. One home option is simply cutting the bad parts off.
Some areas, for example, have food recycling services available. If you have a yard, composting is an option. There are many garden- and nature-related websites, such as Gardening Know How, that show how you how to process compost.
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