Michele Zanello, Social Media & Advertising Expert Explains Why Instagram Can Be A Valuable Tool

What’s instagram? Michele Zanello, expert in social media & advertising, answers six simple questions received on his Instagram profile (@michelezanello_) that explain to the old generation why instagram can be a valuable tool.

What is instagram and how does it work?

Instagram was born as a photo and video sharing platform but in recent years it has exploded becoming the main reference not only for photographic content but above all for doing business. The user has the possibility to share content and show it to an extremely large audience simply with a click and the content published on instagram is not viewable only by your friends but potentially from all over the world.

How important are likes on instagram and how do I get more?

The likes on instagram until a few months ago were the data that captured the most attention, after the last major update, however, they are no longer visible, except to the user who publishes the content. This change has been applied to bring the attention of users no longer on the number of likes but on the content and therefore on increasing quality.

With the disappearance of the visible likes still counts how many likes do I take?

If you use your profile for leisure by sharing the contents only with people you know, this change does not affect you, but if you are using instagram to increase the business of your image or product, likes remain fundamental; this because in addition to monitoring the interest of your audience, likes, views, impressions are the engine of your profile that will allow you to show your product to as many people as possible, especially if the interactions take place in a short time after publication; additionally a good number of feedback it certainly increases the perception and positive image of you and your product.

How do I get in touch with others?

Keeping the profile “open”, other people will get in touch with you looking for you or running into the recommended searches; what you can work on is adopting strategies to create a fan base of people who share the same interests, following people/accounts/pages that are similar to your interests, publishing quality and interesting content, keeping your profile active, and finally using the “hastags”.

What are hastags?

Hastags are labels that use the pound sign # associated with one or more keywords, on a platform like instagram where all content can potentially reach everyone, the hastag makes it easier for users to find content on a theme specific, if for example I want to sponsor dog coats using the hashtag #dog #pet #animal I will definitely reach people who follow or have interacted with that theme.

Can instagram be useful for my business?

Instagram gives all users the possibility to activate the business account. The business account is a public account that allows you to obtain statistical data on your content, recording the interactions with the posts.

Media Contact
Contact Person: Michele Zanello
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website: https://www.instagram.com/michelezanello_/



