Saving Chintu, a short film by Tushar Tyagi and Ritika Jayaswal, is all set to be screened at the prestigious Outfest Fusion Film Festival in Los Angeles. This year marks the 17th year of the event which is one of the largest inclusive film festivals globally. Saving Chintu is the only Indian short film selected by the jury this year.
The film journeys through the lives of an Indian American gay couple who visit India to adopt a child, and explores the challenges faced by the protagonists and the emotional complexities within their relationship. It also brings more complex issues to perspective like child adoption and HIV.
The lead cast of the movie includes Indian actor Adil Hussain of Life Of Pi and English Vinglish fame, Dipannita Sharma, Bollywood based American actor Edward Sonnenblick, Los Angeles based actor Sachin Bhatt and Priyanka Setia.
Producer Ritika Jayaswal, an entrepreneur whose love for films led her down the path of production, celebrates the festival screening announcement with Director Tushar Tyagi, a filmmaker with multiple award-winning films to his kitty, and Creative Producer Vivek Saxena who has worked in many blockbuster Bollywood films. The screenplay of the film has been written by USA-based Sanyam Kumar and Corey Wright.
The trailer of ‘Saving Chintu’ was released recently and is very thought-provoking.
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