How MedicSignal helps Covid-19 Caregivers by Social Distancing

NZ-based Company MedicSignal Announces Its Service Will be Available for Free During the Coronavirus Crisis! The MedicSignal app allows app users to connect with loved ones and caregivers, based around a “swipe to say you’re okay” foundation. This is ideal in the current age of social isolation, presenting a valuable tool that can be extremely useful.

March 25, 2020 – New Zealand company MedicSignal has read the times well developing and releasing a special app MedicSignal that allows users to send the message that they are “okay” quickly and easily, when they may not otherwise be able to. Now with the global breakout of the COVID19 coronavirus pandemic, and the wide calls for social isolation, the wider use of the new app is expected. The company recently announced that the app will be available for free during this crisis as a way to offer a service to the people, families and communities impacted.

MedicSignal can be downloaded for free off of both the Google Play and Apple Store.

“MedicSignal allows the self-isolated to let their caring network know when they’re unresponsive, and covers you if you’re unable to answer an alarm,” commented John Hookway from MedicSignal. “The app’s core functionality helps relieve the stress of relatives and friends worrying, calling all the time, or being uncertain if you need help. We are happy to make it available for free.”

According to the company, Hookway was working on MedicSignal as a smartwatch but once news of the coronavirus started to spread he realized the value it would serve as a tool for those in self-isolation and their caretakers and their families. He put the smartwatch development on hold while making MedicSignal available for free as an app where it can do a great deal of good.

It is expected there will be more than 50 million unpaid caregivers across the nation, making caregiver burnout a real thing to be expected. MedicSignal can ease this burden, allowing caregivers to be there only when they’re needed, and not waste their precious energy when they’re not. 

A lot of emphasis is put on those going into self-quarantine, but what about their caregivers? They take up a lot of responsibility, have concerns of their own and are suddenly dropped in a weird situation not really knowing what to do, or if the worst is about the happen.  They deserve peace of mind.  MedicSignal lets this caring network know if the user is responsive and okay or if they require assistance, in an easy-to-use and reliable way.

According to the company, MedicSignal keeps the choice of who gets alerted in the hands of its users, it is not just about technological differences, and it amounts to a different social idea and seeks to expand the conversation about medical alerts. Usually it’s about health only. MedicSignal has a unique solution to this problem: its “swipe” approach to medical alerts. With a solution that’s as simple to use as smacking the snooze button on an alarm clock it offers something the company hopes will change the conversation for the better for all involved – both the person with medical concerns and those providing care for them.

This is a serious time and being well prepared with the right tools can make this easier.

In Hookway’s words, “Have the right tools in place to get help before it’s too late.  Swipe to say “I’m OK” – you need that vital extra layer of safety!”

For more information and to download for free be sure to visit

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Media Contact
Company Name: MedicSignal Ltd
Contact Person: Jeff Mach
Email: Send Email
Phone: 201-724-7687 (USA)
Country: New Zealand



