A Premium Midwest Summer Sausage Startup launches Kickstarter Campaign

Now Seeking Community Support via Kickstarter, This Amazing Food Startup is Founded by an Inspiring American Entrepreneur, Michael Frakes!

Michael Frakes is a 47 year old American entrepreneur from Oklahoma, and he has proudly announced the launch of his new sausage startup. This new startup is called Premium Midwest Summer Sausage and it will specialize in offering premium, low fat, low carb summer sausage. To introduce his new startup to the world, Michael has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, and he is welcoming everyone for generous support and backing.

“This  sausage is premium because it is made with 90% lean ground beef and in comparison with some of the top brands, this equates to about one-third the fat, with 3 times the flavor.” Said Michael Frakes, the Founder of Premium Midwest Summer Sausage, while introducing this project to the Kickstarter community. 

In addition, Michael spent the last two years perfecting the lost recipe of his late grandfather, who according to Michael, used to make the best summer sausage anyone has ever eaten. In addition to being an emerging entrepreneur, Michael is also a devoted father of three beautiful children. With this campaign, he aims to find an affordable place to lease and purchase the proper equipment. 

The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at: 

www.kickstarter.com/projects/michael-frakes/premium-midwest-summer-sausage and all funds raised through this Kickstarter campaign will play a major role in helping Michael establish this sausage business. Moreover, the goal of this Kickstarter campaign is to raise a sum of US$ 12,000, and Michael is offering his Premium Midwest Summer Sausage rolls as a reward to the backers with nationwide shipping across the United States. More details are available on the Kickstarter campaign page of the project.

About This Project

Premium Midwest Summer Sausage is an emerging sausage startup by an inspiring American entrepreneur, Michael Frakes. He is currently raising funds and support to find an affordable place and get equipment for this startup, which promises to make the highest quality premium sausages containing 90 percent lean ground beef.

Media Contact
Company Name: Premium Midwest Summer Sausage
Contact Person: Michael Frakes
Email: Send Email
Phone: 6607343276
City: Lawton
State: Oklahoma
Country: United States
Website: www.kickstarter.com/projects/michael-frakes/premium-midwest-summer-sausage



