Tel Aviv, Israel – Apr 5, 2021 – Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj Sir is A genuine patriot at the core, Grandmaster Shifuji is an advocate of all causes that further the goal of developing India – whether it’s India’s traditional tactical full contact art forms or India’s strong soldiers. He is proficient in the World’s oldest and mother of all MARTIAL ARTS Kalaripayattu as a Gurukkal. He is a freelance commandos mentor; Grandmaster Shifuji Sir is recognized as the World’s Best Commandos Mentor, The greatest counter-terrorism expert of all time, World’s best close combat mentor of the elite special forces. London Post has quoted him the Deadliest Man Alive in the World in a recent article.
Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji Sir has been evaluated and mentioned as the “World’s Best Commandos Mentor”, The Greatest Counter-Terrorism Expert of all time” and “The Deadliest Man Alive In the World” by many reputed news portals like The New York Times Daily, The Times, Essex News London, About Insider, Market Watch, 2News, WBOC16, Fox 40, WOLF96.7FM, SNN news, RED tv, Fox 28, Daily Herald, North American Report, Fox 43, The Western Tribune, The Wedbush, Fox 24, Boston Herald, The World Now, Alaska News Desk, Montana Newsdesk, Albany Now, Texas Headlines News, Atlanta News Online, Columbus News etc.
Grandmaster Shifuji has Invented and launched various training programs such as Mission Prahar, Mission Meri Mitti, and Mission Prachand Bharat. He is also known for his greatest invention and revolution in commandos Mentoring by inventing Mitti System exclusively for Indian armed forces and elite forces as “free of cost”.
The UAPA and its implications –
Intending to protect the country from the harm of terrorism, the Parliament has passed certain amendments to the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). The bill has been passed to strengthen India’s internal security systems, aligning them with several other countries. These amendments have been passed to bring about further security in the country. An important aspect within this act’s ambit includes the seizure of properties and assets under terror organizations and outfits. This measure will prove highly beneficial since terror organizations, once outlawed, used to disintegrate, only to emerge with another outfit structure and name.
However, several concerns over this new amendment have been raised. The most important is the procedure of tagging an individual as a terrorist instead of an organization or a group. This has been thought to be harmful as this provision can be misused, and consequently that wrongful accusations can occur. However, specific measures have been set to ensure that such individuals get appropriate opportunities to make appeals to go for trials. Divisive minded elements of the social divide work by dividing the country within the lines of religion and pit one community against another. The hope from this amendment will be that this division does not develop further as unity amongst all Indians is the ultimate goal to combat terrorism.
What the UAPA implies for Indian citizens –
While the government strengthens its security machinery, citizens must perform their duties of being responsible. It is advisable to be mindful of forwards we receive on WhatsApp and other social media websites, as they could be false and can potentially provoke panic amongst the public. Social media is a power in itself, and citizens must use it to end terrorism in India.
India’s youth must consider that our country has suffered due to divisive politics from colonizers and our rulers. As citizens, we must be aware that our country is still vulnerable to such forces, not just outside our borders but also within our own. These amendments to the UAPA are not mere points in a development plan. All these measures taken towards fighting terrorism are paying homage to the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. As Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji Sir says himself, the freedom we have achieved because of these fighters and soldiers is not a matter of a day; we live this freedom every day.
This truth must reflect in the actions we take for our country as Indians. UAPA is not a matter of its pros and cons. It is also a matter of our country’s responsibility, its soldiers, farmers, and Shaheed freedom fighters. Their sacrifices make our proud and free Indians, for which we shall always be indebted towards them. THUS, the UAPA is a wake-up call – for terrorists against our country and us, who will protect our country against all threats. It is a wake-up call for terrorists and other such elements to be wary of harming India, a country that is now better prepared to take them on. It is a wake-up call for Indians to realize that their country and its soldiers are more vital than ever before, and so should we.
So, it is now our duty not to ask how the country can serve us but to ask how we can better strengthen the country. This is because a country’s laws mean nothing if they are not respected and adhered to by its citizens. Such laws call upon us to be aware of our surroundings. We must also be aware of the ideas that influence the Indian masses and examine whether these help us further India’s development. With that in mind, we must realize that pandering to political “wings” is not what makes the country ahead, but a patriotic feeling towards it definitely will.
As odds stack high against us day by day, measures such as these should inform and guide our lives towards making our country better and safer for all. We have ample inspiration from our history through our freedom fighters. It is now time to draw inspiration from the present, from our soldiers. We must learn from our soldiers how to serve our country with fierce passion. Not all of us may be able to stand at the border as our soldiers do. But all of us can surely share the same spirit that these soldiers hold within themselves. All of us can contribute in any way that we can in our only shared patriotic goal. Actions we take as citizens of India help our Indian soldiers in many ways. One of the important ways is to maintain and foster higher respect for our soldiers in everything we do. And to those who divide us along the lines of caste, class, religion, language, we must fight back, reminding them that the only cause we will stand for is that of India and Indian soldiers. Our religious, cultural identities stand secondary to our identity as Indians. And when we all stand as Indians, nothing can divide us. Our freedom fighters fought all sorts of terrors when there were no provisions and laws to support them. But with all the resources we have now, we as Indians can indeed fight back terrorism better.
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Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj Sir is respected for his selfless and most realistic solution-based approach towards any significant issue. In line with his goal of keeping Indian women safe, He founded “Mission Prahar” in 1999 to educate, train, and empower women with his Invented Mitti Martial Art’s extreme self-defence survival tactics across rural India. His Mission Prahar has already trained more than four million women “free of cost” in specialised Exclusive practical, easy and most effective anti-assault tactics and anti-domestic violence tactics section of the MISSION PRAHAR training system. Grand master Shifuji Sir is also the Founder and chief managing director at “SASS9” Shifuji’s Advanced Security Solutions 9, Mission Prahar Trust, Mission Meri Mitti, Mission Prachand Bharat and JHB – Jai Hind Bro.
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