How many employees living paycheck to paycheck get ambushed by emergency expenses like car troubles or hospital bills? Some people blame the lack of extra funds on poor budgeting, but they are not motivated to plan their finances better. Studies show that 94 percent of people believe that having a budget is useful, but 50 percent do not use any system to track their expenses. The AI-powered budgeting app, Opogy, is designed to help the user get out of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle by showing how much they can invest in income-generating activities and how much they have available for emergency expenses.
Opogy is easy to install and use. After downloading the app, it only takes a few minutes to set it up and let it manage the user’s finances. The app allows users to connect all their financial accounts so that they can have one dashboard showing a complete look at their finances.
Its features include a dashboard overview that shows users how much money they have left for each budget item. It lets users know how much they can spend at all times, when the income is not enough for the users’ needs, how much they need to save to improve their lifestyle. It also has industry-grade encryption that ensures the users’ financial data is secured at all times.
Opogy goes beyond budgeting as it provides more unique features that set it apart from other budgeting apps.
The Unexpected Expenses feature sets aside a portion of the users’ deposits. When an emergency does pop up, they will know exactly how much they can spend to weather it, make smart decisions on how to handle the emergency and predict how the situation will impact their finances.
The PayMe feature sets aside some of the users’ deposits so that they can invest in a passive income project, buy their favorite stock or invest in a small business.
The Dashboard Report feature shows the money flow, factors for overspending and the necessary budget and lifestyle adjustments.
With Opogy, users will truly understand how to spend their money, how they can save better and how they can prepare for life’s surprises.
Opogy is a subscription-based app, and it will be available for download on the App Store and Google Play soon.
More information can be found at
About Opogy
Opogy is an AI-powered budgeting app that is designed to help the user get out of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle by showing how much they can invest in income-generating activities and how much they have available for emergency expenses.
Media Contact
Company Name: Opogy
Contact Person: Gabriel Laguerre
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Country: United States