Lincolnshire, UK – Acupuncture is a complementary treatment method used to alleviate pain and treat various physical, psychological, and emotional conditions. Originally an ancient Chinese therapy, acupuncture is now increasingly popular in western countries because it reduces pain, is safe and free from side effects.. The treatment involves sticking the skin with sterilised hair thin needles at different acupuncture points to free blockages so that Qi (energy) can run freely again so that there is less pain. many acupuncturists are now successfully helping patients with long covid in their recovery so that they have a good quality of life.
As an experienced acupuncturist in Lincolnshire, UK, Preeti Ghelani, uses acupuncture for back pain. She highly recommends acupuncture for recovery from lingering and debilitating long covid symptoms which negatively impact physical and mental health. There is now increasing and convincing evidence that acupuncture can reduce chronic pain, anxiety, depression and stress. These are some of the symptoms of long covid. So although it is still too early for any results from clinical trials, there have already been some promising outcomes from using acupuncture to treat long covid. Besides utilizing acupuncture for stress patients, Preeti Ghelani explained that her patients are happy and often amazed with acupuncture treatment results. “Acupuncture is a potent therapy that helps to lessen pain. Ranging from back pain caused by minor injuries and muscle tension to chronic pain resulting from various conditions like sciatica, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, headaches, migraine, and many more,” said Preeti Ghelani.
Preeti Ghelani has worked with many happy clients and has used acupuncture effectively to reduce pain. One of the satisfied clients said, “Preeti is a highly acclaimed acupuncturist. She has helped with my back issues. My health has improved dramatically after the acupuncture session.” Another client testified, “Preeti is the most knowledgeable acupuncturist I’ve ever met. She has addressed my anxiety and has always been caring and understanding.”
Preeti Ghelani is an experienced Acupuncture Lincolnshire acupuncturist with a holistic and interdisciplinary approach. She treats patients with innumerable conditions, including stress, anxiety, depression, infertility, gynaecological disorders, hay fever, migraines, insomnia, brain fog, chronic pain, menopause, long covid, and many more.
About Preeti Ghelani
Preeti Ghelani is an acupuncturist based in Lincoln, UK. She studied acupuncture at Lincoln University after finding many benefits and changing her life from taking acupuncture sessions. She practices at 3 Orchard Garth, Waddington. Preeti Ghelani provides a wide range of affordable acupuncture services in Lincoln, UK. They include Acupuncture initial consultation, Acupuncture/Acupressure Treatment, Acupuncture for anxiety, Cupping therapy, Moxibustion, Abdominal Sacral Massage, and Tailored Essential Oil blend.
For more information about Acupuncture Lincoln and booking a session with Preeti Ghelani, please visit
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Company Name: Preeti Ghelani Acupuncture
Contact Person: Media Relations
Email: Send Email
Phone: 07429 043083
Address:3 Orchard Garth
City: Waddington
Country: United Kingdom