As Seen on The Today Show, World Renowned Psychic William Constantine Gives The Answers to Life, Spiritual Guidance & Personal Growth

As Seen on The Today Show, World Renowned Psychic William Constantine Gives  The Answers to Life, Spiritual Guidance & Personal Growth

“Your reality is as you perceive it to be. So, it is true, that by altering this perception we can alter our reality,” – William Constantine

Remember when someone said they could “talk to the dead” was newsworthy? Now, you cannot escape such claims and are probably pitched then several times a day. We have more TV programs dedicated to psychics and the Paranormal that cemeteries house bodies.

Internationally Renowned Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Consultant, William Constantine is one of the most sought-after life coaches in the world. His clientele are the elite of society – C-Level Executives, Hollywood celebrities, Entertainment Professionals, royalty and more, depend on Constantine for answers to life, spiritual guidance and personal growth.

William is not your ordinary “I see dead people,” Psychic Medium as he has taken his mediumship to new levels. He’s been dubbed a living luminary whose spiritual teachings, insights, and psychic abilities help the living live their best life and love it. He, essentially, has become a medium for humanity with messages that serve the collective rather than just an individual.

William can offer insight, guidance and commentary on multiple topics where one might want a higher consciousness perspective, but here are some to consider:

Mass Shootings – What’s humanity supposed to learn.

Suicide / Bullying – What’s spirits perspective? Do they go to he’ll? How can we stop it?

Love – How mankind has love all wrong! How it’s supposed to be.

Stress – How to live without it! Why many often cling to it and rely on it.

Grief & Loss – how to look at the loss of a loved one who has transitioned or even in the case of a breakup, divorce, or parting friendship.

Tired of watching mediums just give readings? Don’t you wonder if they, after all the communication and insight, can provide real value to our lives? Think about it; years of communicating with Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirits – shouldn’t it be more than just Aunt Josephine says she loves and misses you?

With William’s ability to access higher levels of consciousness he offers a fresh perspective and can share knowledge that is real, tangible, can guide you focus you on what matters, and away from what’s just fluff in life.

His clients say he is “next level psychic” and their highest pay raise in their adult lifetime which is no wonder his clientele are the rich and famous.

What makes him qualified you might ask?

Constantine’s life’s resume has been a rollercoaster; abandonment, foster-care, years of molestation, verbal/mental/emotional and physical abuse, neglect, malnourished, homeless for 3 years eating out of garbage cans, and we are only scratching the surface. Through it all, however, he learned a lot about himself and humanity as a whole and he turned hardships into possibilities, negatives into positives and soared to new heights.

William Constantine resides in Miami Florida.

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