Tree Franklyn Opens Avenues for Empaths to Take Back Their Power

Tree Franklyn is helping sensitive souls experience emotional freedom and create a life of empowerment.

Best-selling author and coach Tree Franklyn is transforming how deep feelers and empaths perceive their feelings by empowering them to embrace their sensitivities and using that to fuel their passions.

The term empath refers to individuals who are highly sensitive to other people’s emotions. They experience the energies around them in a more profound, deeper way, enabling them to internalize the feelings of others as if it was their own. In a way, they are a natural conduit to life’s energy flow, absorbing the negatives and the positives of the world around them.

Because they often feel so profoundly, empaths grow up thinking there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Many are often taught to suppress their emotions, marking them as a weakness or something to be ashamed about. However, Franklyn believes that emotions can be an empath’s greatest strength if they’re allowed to flow and be felt freely.

“An empath’s emotions are their greatest strength, but until they learn how to manage them, it’s their greatest weakness. There should be an Emotions 101 class for all kids, empathic or not, so that they can understand those painful and confusing feelings bubbling inside them, learn healthy ways to deal with them, and grow up to become grounded in their own emotional power, rather than overwhelmed by it,” says Franklyn.

For that same reason, she established Empathic Awakening Academy, a first-of-its-kind school with on-demand courses for empaths and highly-sensitive individuals. Her teachings are featured alongside the works of some of the most prominent people in the field, including Dr. Judith Orloff, the so-called “godmother of the empath movement,” and Dr. Elaine Aron, the researcher who coined the term “highly-sensitive people (HSP).”

The courses at Empathic Awakening Academy are centered on exploring each individual’s unique situation and breaking the generic one-size-fits-all teachings to meet each empath where they are at in their empathic and spiritual journey. She helps them manage and release their overwhelming, painful emotions so they experience emotional freedom – ultimately leading to a life of deep meaning, power, and purpose.

Franklyn’s practical hands-on approach provides tailored solutions to everyday challenges such as setting boundaries, breaking free from toxic relationships, and dealing with strong emotions. Her courses help empaths embrace their unique ability, deepening their conscious awareness and spiritual evolution to cultivate inner peace and harmony.

Being an empath can be overwhelming without proper support. Empathic Awakening Academy offer a community of heart-centered sensitive souls dedicated to broadening perspectives on their experiences. It is open to anyone looking for a safe, non-judgmental space to learn about their sensitivities and empathic abilities.

Get to know Tree Franklyn at and explore how she helps empaths here:

Media Contact
Company Name: Empathic Awakening Academy
Contact Person: Tree Franklyn
Email: Send Email
Country: United States



