Many individuals today struggle to make ends meet. They find they must choose which bills to pay and which to let slide. Fortunately, programs exist to help individuals who cannot meet their monthly obligations. What programs might a person in California find available to help them during difficult times? Men and women can navigate to this site to learn more about the services and their benefits.
Internet and Phone Services
Many people in California find they are eligible for discounted phone and internet services today. This is of great benefit for those who need these services to look for and secure a job or for medical reasons.
Some may want to read this article for more information, “State withdraws plans to limit California LifeLine internet and cell phone discount for low-income users” after complaints from various parties. Those who realize how important this service is fought to keep it from being limited. Individuals who need the service benefit greatly from the services offered by enTouch Wireless today.
Food Assistance
Every person needs food to survive. California recognizes this and offers a variety of food assistance plans. Many individuals today rely on CalFresh, the state’s version of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). In addition, many children in the state take part in the School Breakfast Program, which ensures they get a nutritious breakfast to start their day right.
There is also an Emergency Food Assistance Program for low-income individuals and the WIC program of nursing mothers and young children. These programs are in addition to the food pantries found across the state.
Senior Programs
Many seniors today find they need help to continue living alone. According to, the state offers a range of programs designed to help them achieve this goal. Countless seniors across the state benefit from in-home supportive services. To qualify, they must have a Medi-Cal eligibility determination. However, other seniors need more care than can be received in their homes.
They benefit from state-licensed assisted living facilities and continuing care retirement communities. These communities work to meet the needs of older residents in the state. What works for one individual might not be appropriate for another, which is why the state continues to work to find new ways to meet the needs of its senior citizens.
Healthcare Assistance
Every person needs access to affordable healthcare. California has several programs in place to ensure its residents know where to turn for help with their health. Residents of the state have access to federal programs such as Medicare. However, they also may benefit from state centers, such as the South of Market Health Center located in San Francisco. Here, residents of the state who cannot afford health and dental services receive the care they need. Help is available in obtaining insurance for these individuals.
Low-income residents of California have many resources available to them. It’s a matter of knowing where to find these resources. With the right help, any person can live a decent quality of life, which is what every human deserves. These resources make that possible for any resident of the state of California. Learn more about what is available today.
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