An engaging and honest memoir about life by Gloria Anderson

An engaging and honest memoir about life by Gloria Anderson

CANDLER, N.C. – The book Beauty from My Ashes, raises awareness about a woman’s journey to conquering extreme adversity, silent battles, and inner pain and achieving self-fulfillment, Author Gloria Anderson reminds readers to trust in God’s love as it won’t fail. 

Beauty from My Ashes, beautifully tells her life story in a way that leaves you in tears. Having gone through many extreme adversities, from unplanned pregnancy to abuse, drugs, and alcohol addictions, among many, may have badly bruised her, but she is never hopeless or weak. 

Her story is both dispiriting and heartbreaking. Yet the journey she took toward healing is inspirational and gleaming with hope. “Beauty from My Ashes”, reminds readers that trusting God’s love and mercy will never fail anyone. He will save them from the troubles they’re experiencing, even the unfathomable pain. 

This deeply personal memoir not only tells the story of Glorias’ life, but it also shares the ups and downs, the victories and defeats, as well as the perseverance that eventually led to her accomplishments. An engaging and honest memoir about life, relationships, and the search for personal fulfillment, this book is bound to be an inspiration to its readers. 

Learn, understand, and heal alongside author Gloria Anderson’s, “Beauty from My Ashes”. Purchase the book on Amazon.  

“Beauty from My Ashes” 

By Gloria Anderson 

Kindle | $3.99 

Paperback | $6.99 

Hardcover | $12.99 

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online book retailers 

About the Author 

Gloria Anderson is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She was born and continues to live in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. She serves as a women’s Bible study teacher in her church and leads in worship by singing with her choir. Her passion is helping women, especially hurting women, find the forgiveness, hope, healing, peace, and growth that she found through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

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