Marco Island, Florida, United States – Announcing the premiere of “Beyond The Problems,” an innovative and thought-provoking TV talk show hosted by the accomplished entrepreneur, real estate developer, and certified general contractor, Jeff Popick. Airing nationwide every Friday night at 11pm ET/8pm PT on the prestigious Bloomberg Television Channel, “Beyond The Problems” is poised to revolutionize the way we address and solve the most pressing issues facing society today. transcends the boundaries of traditional talk shows by daring to be more than just a platform for discussion—it’s a mission to actively solve problems, promote insightful and enlightening philosophy, and mediate complex societal and moral issues. With a commitment to reducing suffering and bridging divides for all, the show aspires to create a “parallel constitution” for America 2.0. Jeff Popick, the visionary host and independent producer of the show, is not only a seasoned entrepreneur but also holds the esteemed “Master Certified Negotiation Expert” (MCNE) designation from the Real Estate Negotiation Institute and is trained as a Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator.
“Jeff Popick’s is a breath of fresh air in the world of television. It’s not just a show; it’s a call to action, a journey toward unity and understanding,” said Shelby Frenette, Jeff’s social media strategist, and owner of www.TravelFun.Biz. “In an era marked by division and discord, this program arrives as a beacon of hope, offering real solutions and a new vision for our society.”
Viewers across the nation are encouraged to check their local listings for the broadcast time in their respective time zones. For those who prefer digital access, “Beyond The Problems” can also be found on the show’s YouTube channel and various social media platforms, providing an engaging way to interact with the enlightening discussions and solutions presented on the program
Prepare to embark on a transformative journey with “Beyond The Problems,” a show that challenges the status quo and aims to make a tangible difference in our society. Buckle up, as Jeff Popick leads us toward a brighter and more united future.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Jeff Popick
1- (239) 450-3000
[email protected]
About Jeff “JP” Popick:
Jeff “JP” Popick is a renowned entrepreneur, real estate developer, investor, licensed real estate broker, certified general contractor, and an accomplished negotiator. With a passion for insightful philosophy and a mission to reduce suffering and bridge divides, Jeff Popick is the driving force behind “Beyond The Problems,” a groundbreaking TV talk show that aims to create positive change in society.
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